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Shankar Aswani Model

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Appendix Table 1a: SIA Model Variables                                                                                                                                
CONSTRUCTS VARIABLES (Get temporal comparisons 1980 to present) SUGGESTED MEASUREMENT STRATEGIES                                                                                                                                
1. Management structure Complexity of management 1) sample survey of perceptions of complexity of the management structure; 2) index including, e.g., number of gears managed per year, number of species managed per year, number of management measures introduced per year; number of governance bodies involved                                                                                                                                
2. Regulations Fairness, complexity, effectiveness of regulations 1) Sample survey of perceptions; 2) archival sources, e.g., news media, lawsuits, NGO and other "scorecards"                                                                                                                                
3. Inclusiveness of Management Public involvement in management processes 1) Sample survey of perceptions; 2) archives or observations:counts of public comments in documents, and number/type of participants at public meetings                                                                                                                                
4. Enforcement and Compliance Levels/types of enforcement, and non-compliance with activity regulations, whether formal or informal 1) Sample survey/structured interviews/triangulated key informant interviews of individual reports and/or perceptions (including questions about behaviors of others); 2) archival data, e.g., review fisheries law enforcement reports and news media, Numbers of citations and infractions, normalized for non-uniform levels of enforcement coverage, creel survey reports                                                                                                                                
5. Annual rounds Structure of annual round 1) Sample survey/key informant interviews regarding activity types (marine and non-marine) by month and location. Locations of activities should be mapped, using place names and results of mapping exercises -- translated to GIS.                                                                                                                                
6. Gear Type Vessel/gear types, methods used and ownership patterns, as well as mode of fishing:(1. shore-based - including man-made and natural structures including beach, pier, jetty, bridge, etc.; 2. party/charter boat 3. private/rental boat 4. commercial vessel) 1) Sample survey; Open-ended/structured interviews/pile sorting/consensus analysis; Observation-based empirical methods; 2) official license/port/harbor data, if available; observation to ground truth other methods. If conflicting data from various sources, a census may be necessary.                                                                                                                                
7. Resource Use Level Level of harvest or actvity intensity (including avidity), perceptions of abundance, and "mode", where feasible to break out, e.g., commercial, recreational or subsistence 1) Sample survey; open-ended and structured interviews; 2) NMFS landings data, state landings data, subsistence databases; MRFSS;counts of infrastructure; DAS; CPUE; vessel counts, license and permit data; other relevant databases                                                                                                                                
8. Cost of entry For each vessel/gear type combination obtain costs of new and used vessels/gear, license and other fees (e.g., dock fees), and cost of property/access rights; trip expenses (e.g., cost breakdown of transportation, bait, gear, ice, lodging, food, fees etc); training time expenses; insurance, financing, etc. 1) Triangulated key informant interviews (fishers, vessel/gear salespersons), surveys, in-depth interviews; 2) archives or observations: classified advertisements, party/charter fees; marina slip expense; rental boat fees; launch/ramp fees; license fees; pier fees; lodging costs; etc.                                                                                                                                
9. Participation structure For each activity type obtain information about participants, including number; positions/roles (e.g.,owner captain, captain, engineer, cook, deckhand, shell shucking, ritual specialist, etc., as appropriate), participant hierarchy, general participant selection criteria (e.g., kinsmen if available, friends, levels of skill, etc.); and participant demographic information (including residence). 1) Sample survey/triangulated key informant interviews incl., e.g., SS# or Crew ID number, vessel ID currently employed, location of owned vessel/plant currently employed in (and Plant ID #), individual or corporate ownership, current ports of landing, 2) licenses and other databases                                                                                                                                
10. Resource Use Patterns Distribution, processing and consumption patterns: social networks (including references to reciprocity and other commercial and non-commercial forms of exchange), marketing chains (including references to vertical and horizontal integration) 1) Sample surveys; network analysis; in-depth inteviews; triangulated key informant interviews                                                                                                                                
11. Safety Level of safety of the activity 1) Sample survey/individual reports on perceived safety/likelihood of risk-taking behavior; 2) Coast Guard records (CASMAIN files), state records; harbormaster records - normalized for level of enforcement coverage                                                                                                                                
12. Activity satisfaction Level of satisfaction derived from or associated with participation in the activity Sample survey/individual reports on, e.g., aesthetics, perceived quality/health of the resource, job satisfaction, trip satisfaction, desire to continue participating, desire for children and grandchildren to continue participating, recent vessels and/or equipment purchase                                                                                                                                
13. Physical resources/infrastucture Condition and adequacy of activity-related physical resources/infrastructure 1) Sample survey of perceptions; triangulated key informant interviews (including Chamber of Commerce members, fishers, port master, etc.); 2) number of: docks, cold stores, distribution and marketing facilities, gear and vessel supply and maintenance facilities, marinas, marine repair, marine supply, party/charter boat operations, boat rentals, bait and tackle shops, marine electronics shops, boat yards, boat lifts, boat storage, boat sales, pay piers, ramps and associated infrastructure, public access sites, fishing clubs and associations, dockside motels/lodging, number of hospitals and other health care facilities, airports, marine ports, factories by industry, major roads, etc.; archival research on comprehensive plans and economic studies of angling in the community                                                                                                                                
14. Activity mobility Mobility within an activity; Alternative activities (including jobs, recreation, and subsistence), and substitutability 1) Sample surveys/interviews/triangulated key informant interviews/free listing/pile sorting (including current and former activity participants) on perceived/preferred/potential alternate activities, existing activity structure, activity participants' education and training, social/political capital, physical capital, social stratification, power structure; 2) counts and archival data on available industries/jobs, available formal and informal training and retraining programs and their participation rates, etc.                                                                                                                                
15. Mental Health Mental health condition of place-based and activity communities 1) Sample survey/self report instruments on stress-related disorders and treatment (e.g., depression, stress, drinking, psychosomatic ilnesses, anxiety, self-esteem issues, psychiatric care and counseling); sample surveys on community mental health; triangulated key interviews with local healthcare professionals; 2) prevalence and incidence rates from public health records, e.g., state, county, local databases, CDC                                                                                                                                
16. Physical health Physical health condition of place-based and activity communities 1) Sample survey /individual report instruments of physical health (incl. heart disease, injuries, diet/nutrition deficiencies/adequacy - esp. for subsistence, etc.); community physical health survey; 2) prevalence and incidence rates from public health records (local, county, state, CDC) on, e.g., infant deaths, number childhood immunizations, health of workforce                                                                                                                                
17. Social Problems Social problems in place-based and activity communities, and family 1) Sample survey/triangulated key informant interviews (incl. social workers, police, etc.); 2) public statistics (local, county, state, CDC) on, e.g., spouse abuse incidents, crime incidents, alcohol abuse counts, drug abuse counts, poverty rate, number of children on reduced price lunches at schools, literacy, oral fluency in English, unemployment; archival data from local newspapers                                                                                                                                
18. Solidarity Levels of solidarity in place-based and activity communities 1) Sample survey (incl. questions on strength of networks, sociopolitical voice, cultural homogeneity/heterogeneity, kinship ties, connectivity beween migrants, definition and sense of community, social capital, participation in expressive culture including events such as 'blessing of the fleet' and fishing tournaments); network analysis; 2) number of cooperative organizations, churches, social organizations, etc and their membership; network density (connectivity measure), observed participation in expressive culture including events such as 'blessing of the fleet' and fishing tournaments; public presence of material culture such as sculptures, pictures, or other memorabilia celebrating the community                                                                                                                                
19. Conflict Level of conflict in place-based and activity communities (both within and between groups) 1) Sample surveys/tirangulated key informant interviews; 2) police reports, newsmedia, court cases filed, agendas from town board meetings                                                                                                                                
20. Resilience Levels of flexibility and resilience in place-based and activity-based communities, families and households 1) Sample survey of, e.g., work history and training, religiosity, self esteem, available support systems, preceived levels of stress, preceived ability to cope, sources of income, level of education, etc.; key informant interviews; 2) plcae-based community index based on, e.g., job diversity; distance to county seat; distance to state highway; distance to interstate highway; distance to regional center for retail shopping, medical care, financial services; cultural commonality/ethnic homogeneity; number of associations and organizations; number of members in associations and organizations; perceptions of leadership quality/proactive orientation; community attractiveness; evidence of past adaptations to non-local change affecting community; activity-based community index based on, e.g., # activity-related businesses, support industries and associations; # members in associations; level of recrutiment of activity participants; trends in activity-related resource levels and regulations/restrictions on access to these resources; cost of entry; for commercial fishing, # permits per vessel                                                                                                                                
21. Income/Benefit Proportion of income from activity and/or proportion of activity-related product in diet 1) sample survey of households on, e.g., income, employment and other benefits (e.g., role of activity in diet and non-monetary transfers) from the activity; 2) gross community product by sector and sub-sector from tax data, utilities, gross receipts, etc.                                                                                                                                
22. Occupational Structure occupational structure of place-based and activity communities 1) Sample survey of employment history, e.g., occupations held, reasons for entry and exit, levels of remuneration; triangulated key informant interviews; 2) employment by sector and sub-sector from e.g., town records, Chanber of Commerce, local office of employment security, official license/port/harbor data                                                                                                                                
23. Cultural Heritage and Norms/values* The role of activity and marine environment in history, spirituality, self-representation/identity, and knowledge production 1) Sample surveys on, e.g., perception of activity importance to community, beliefs about marine ecosystems, attitudes towards marine ecosystems, environmental attitudes, cultural importance of marine ecosystems; triangulated key informant interviews on traditional ecological knowledge and local activity knowledge (e.g., local fisheries knowledge) and religious/spiritual beliefs/institutions; 2) archival data, e.g., newspapers, Chamber of Commerce information, environmental historical documents, iconography                                                                                                                                
24. Power Structure People, public and private organizations and institutions who have influence or authority within the place-based and activity communities 1) Sample survey of perceptions; triangulated key informant interviews and network analyses re. informal power structure; 2) archival data on formal power structure, e.g., news media, official town documents; observational studies re. informal power structure                                                                                                                                
25. Social stratification Type and degree of social stratification and differences in place-based and activity communities 1) Sample survey on perceptions/self-reports on, e.g., income, education, access to social/physical capital and resources; triangulated key informant interviews; 2) Construct gini-coefficient (or coefficient of variation, quartile measures) for a) distribution of property values (from tax assessment records, if available. If not, a visual survey of houses/property.), b) distribution of income based on estimates for different jobs as associated with data from occupation structure of the community, c) census data on educational and income levels, d) archival data on zoning/land use patterns and plans, including comprehensive community planning documents                                                                                                                                
26. Demographic Characteristics Demographic statistics for place-based and activity-based communities 1) Sample survey of residence patterns, location of activities in realtion to residence; 2) US Census, Bureau of Labor Statisitics, community strategic plans on, e.g., total population, sex, age, race, ethnicity, origins and language, housing, owner/renter status, education, employment, housing tenure, housing mortgage status, religious affiliation; official license/port/harbor data over time, if available; License plate counts from public launches and dock parking lots; licensing databases and other archival data                                                                                                                                
27. Dependence Level of dependence of place-based community, households and families on the activity* Archival data, databases (see indicators listed in Sociocultural Practitioner's Manual)                                                                                                                                
  *The official definition for fisheries reads: Dependence standards compare the information about a community to the same information at a different geographic level, such as the national average, or median of all in-state communities, or to a selected threshold such as 15%                                                                                                                                  
28. Engagement Level of engagement of place-based community, households and families on the activity* Archival data, databases (see indicators listed in Sociocultural Practitioner's Manual)                                                                                                                                
  * The official definition for fisheries reads: Engagement standards compare the information about a community to information about a particular fishery or sector, such as 12 permit holder residences of 500 total permits issued in this fishery, or the preponderance of vessel services for an area.                                                                                                                                  
29. Index of well-being Levels of "well-being" in place-based and activitybased communities, families and individuals 1) Sample survey of perceptions/self-reports on, e.g., a) happiness (individual, familial, and communal), b) empowerment, c) self-esteem, d) satisfaction with aspects of living conditions, e) satisfaction with relationships (familial, communal), etc.                                                                                                                                
  See WBindex.doc                                                                                                                                  

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